Contact your care provider if this is an ongoing problem.
During pregnancy, it is normal to have some nausea and vomiting. But sometimes it becomes a problem, such a huge problem that you might need medical attention.
Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a condition where you will have severe nausea, vomiting, weight loss, and electrolyte disturbance. If your case is mild, diet changes and rest and sometimes antacids may help but if your case is not mild, you might need treatments with IV fluids.
It is believed that the nausea and vomiting is from a rise in hormone levels. But we really do not know for sure. Many suggestions are out there, and if you search the web, you will find various suggested reasons. Usually the symptoms will begin at about 4 weeks, and often peak at about 9-13 weeks. Usually you will find some relief from 14-20 weeks, but some for some women, it may continue further into your pregnancy than that.
With Morning Sickness you may experience the following:
~Nausea (it usually does not last longer than 12-13 weeks)
~vomiting (but it will be occasionally only, and does not cause you to become dehydrated)
~Also your vomiting, it usually does not interfere with your eating. Usually mothers can continue to eat ok.
With HG you will probably experience the following:
~Nausea –often accompanied by severe vomiting -or continued vomiting, and you will not usually be able to keep any food down, you may loose weight, and become dehydrated. You may be weak, light headed (electrolyte imbalance)
~Vomiting that causes severe dehydration
~You will often need IV fluids and something for the nausea. Take heart, it will not (or should not) last longer than a few weeks.
Signs and symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum:
Severe nausea and vomiting
Food aversions
Weight loss of 5% or more of pre-pregnancy weight
Decrease in urination
Extreme fatigue
Low blood pressure
Rapid heart rate
Loss of skin elasticity
Secondary anxiety/depression
What needs -or may be done– to help you:
~Iv fluids
~sometimes they will also put a tube down into your stomach
~Sometimes they will put a tube into the stomach from the outside of the body-this requires a surgery first to put this tube in.
~Medications (sometimes given orally, but also rectally)
~Plenty of rest is needed as you build back up your strength
~Acupressure sometimes gives relief
~Ginger- taken orally-or peppermint