Where to get the following from natural sources:
NOTE: I will not add to the lists below any organ meats, including liver or shell fish
-crabs, lobster, shrimp etc. I suggest following the biblical dietary guidelines mentioned in the old
testament. God
must have put it
there for a reason!
A — cod liver oil, liver, butter, egg yolks, whole milk, cream, dark colorful fruits and vegetables. Sweet potatoes, carrots, cantaloupe are some that are considered colorful.
Beta Carotene — kale, squash, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, turnip greens, winter squash, collard greens, cilantro, fresh thyme, cantaloupe, romaine lettuce
B1 Thiamin-sunflower seeds, peanuts, sea food, egg yolk, wheat bran
B2–Riboflavin — eggs, meat poultry, fish, nuts, cheese, green leafy vegetables, legumes, fish, whole grains, yogurt
B3–Niacin — meat, poultry, dairy, nuts, beets, brewer’s yeast, fish, salmon, tuna, sunflower seeds, peanuts, eggs
B6-Pyridoxine–chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, milk, cheese, lentils, beans, spinach, carrots, brown rice, bran, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, and whole-grain flour.
B12-cobalamin--meat, eggs, cheese, fish, raw milk.
C — dark green vegetables, lemon’s and juice, red peppers, tomatoes cabbage, broccoli, citrus fruits, paprika, strawberries, cantaloupe, mustard. (more than what can be listed here!)
Calcium — dairy, deep green vegetables, (don’t take with iron) check the pills by placing in vinegar it should dissolve in 1/2 hour.
Choline and lecithin — eggs, dandelion greens, nuts, seeds, soybeans, wheat germ, cauliflower, milk
Chromium–corn, beef, apples, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, sweet potatoes, potatoes, broccoli, grape juice, basil, orange juice, banana
Copper–Legumes, nuts, avocados, potatoes-if you’re taking a zinc supplement, it will not allow you to absorb the copper, so you should increase your copper intake. Getting this from diet is the best way.
Vitamin D — milk, sunshine. Exposing your skin to sunshine daily is the best way.
Vitamin E — vegetable oils, fats
Folic Acid / Folate — beef, broccoli, kale, turnip greens, beets, corn, Orange juice, dried beans & peas, breads
Inositol — fresh produce, whole grains, meat, milk, kidney beans, red beans, oranges, cantaloupes
Iron — red meats, chicken, fish, kelp, dandelion greens, nettles, wheat grass juice, yellow dock root, green leafy vegetables, kidney beans, rice, black eyed peas, parsley, tofu, black strap molasses, nuts, raisins, beans, spinach
Iodine — in salt, pineapple, milk, eggs, cheese, nuts, fish
Lutein and Zeaxanthin — kale, spinach, collard greens, leafy green vegetables
Lycopene — tomatoes (esp concentrated like pizza sauce, etc), watermelon
Magnesium — spinach, nuts, seeds, Peanuts, avocados, bananas, legumes, brown rice, collard greens, milk
Manganese–nuts, tea, raisins, broccoli, carrots, mustard greens, kale, chard, collard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, raspberries, pineapple, maple syrup
Pantethine (pantothenic)- meat, fish, brewer’s yeast, broccoli, cauliflower, vegetables, dairy, eggs, legumes, lentils, molasses, oranges, mushrooms, peanuts, pecans, nuts, sunflower seeds, whole wheat flour, whole rye flour, strawberries
Potassium — mushrooms, meats, almonds, spinach, nuts, fish, turkey, avocado, chicken breast, sirloin, cantaloupe, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, milk, beans, green leafy vegetables, soy flour
Phosphorus–yogurt, eggs, chicken, milk, nuts, soy products, meat, fish, legumes, garlic, dried fruit, hard potatoes
Selenium–organic meats, chicken, onions, tomatoes, Brazil nuts, lean beef, seafood
Quercetin — Apples, green peppers, onions, tomatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits, parsley, tea, red wine, olive oil, grapes, dark cherries, dark berries, (blueberries, black berries)
Zinc–Beef, lamb, Goat, Dark meat Turkey and chicken, lentils, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, green peas, green beans, other beans, almonds and other nuts.
A source for more information: Link