Water is wonderful for therapy for all kinds of problems. The medical community has been using water therapy for back injuries and other injuries as a form of therapy for years. Some physical therapy units have pools and hot tubs to be used for the therapy process.
Why not for birth? Many babies are now being born into water. Water therapy is wonderful for a hard labor or a long labor. It helps when you have
back labor as well. If you are having a long labor,
perhaps the baby is slightly posterior and needs to turn.
Sometimes those contractions are so hard for mothers to deal with, and after they climb into the tub, they are able to relax. This can help turn the baby once your are relaxed. Most mothers like water therapy. If you don’t want to deliver in the water, at least try laboring in the water.
~Facilitates mobility and enables the mother to assume any position which is comfortable for labor and pushing
~Often speeds up labor
~Can reduce blood pressure
~Gives mother more feelings of control
~Helps to provide significant pain relief
~Promotes relaxation
~Can conserve her energy
~Reduces the need for drugs and interventions
~Protects the mother from interventions by giving her a protected private space
~Helps to reduce perineal tearing
~Helps to Reduce cesarean section rates
~Is highly rated by mothers – typically stating they would consider giving birth in water again
~Is highly rated by midwives
~Encourages an easier birth for mother and
a gentler welcome for baby
~Is easy for family to be involved.

night time, out doors water birth...