Sign of Problem With Your Baby
BLEEDING: IN THE FIRST 24 HOURS (early onset);
Usually this involves a intracranial bleed and the usual cause if maternal medications during pregnancy. It can also be from a birth injury
CLASSICAL (1-8 days old)
This occurs 1 in 200 to 1 in 4,000 depending on the study you look at. The causes are pre-maturity, delayed onset of feeding, inadequate feeding, low Vit. K in the breast milk. The following are the sites of bleeding in order of their frequency: Gastro-intestinal, cord, ear, nose, throat, needle prick, circumcision, or intracranial.
LATE (8 days to 6 months)
This occurs 1 in 5000 or more. The causes are low vit K in breast milk from a maternal problem. Sometimes the babies liver needs to be checked. Warning signs are: prolonged jaundice, poor feeding, failure to thrive, and any unusual bleeding.
The common sites are intracranial and uro-genital and intrathoracic (chest). This is what you as a parent need to watch for:
Any bleeding from anywhere on your baby. From the nose, ears, mouth, umbilical cord, urinary tract, rectum
Does your baby bruise really easy? Especially without any trauma?
vomiting blood after 24 ours old
black tarry stools after meconium has cleared
bleeding longer than 6 minutes from any puncture sites
pale, jaundices, glassy-eyed, high pitched crying, vomiting, irritable, feverish baby with a low appetite.
failure to thrive
prolonged or pronounced jaundice, especially with dark urine